Monday, July 27, 2009

Salt Springs

Here are some pics from our trip to Salt Springs. This wa the first time that the kids were actually big enoug to wadet through the water. They weren't even bothered by the 72 degree water. They learned how to swim with noodles and basically just wore themselves out.

Having some fun

The kids can't get enough of the pool this summer. Here are some fun pics in the pool at Mee Maw and PaPa's house. Here is a pic of Parker with his lizard friend, he named him "Freddie".

And one of Sydney lounging....

Fourth of July

So its taken me a bit to get to it but here we are. This Fourth of July we started our day at our annual neighborhood parade. This parade consists of the neighborhood families getting together at our neighbothood park. The kids are all on skateboards, bikes, rollerblades, in strollers and wagons. The parade goes through some streets of our neighborhood. The parade was led by a fire truck this year sirens blaring. The kids loved it. After we met back at the park we had some donuts and juice. The kids then had a chance to check out the fire truck up close and personal. They were able to pretend like they were driving it.
We planned on making our rounds to BBQs and then onto a big fireworks show but we went to our first invite and while we were there Sydney got sick so we had to hang out there with her for awhile. By the time she was feeling better it was too late to head out to a fireworks show. It was probably better anyway, we got to watch Uncle Jeremy shoot off fireworks.
Here are some pics of that day/

Thursday, July 9, 2009


For Father's Day this year, the kids made one of their Daddy's greatest dreams a reality. They bought him his first flying lesson. I had scheduled it for the morning of July 4th but he coudn't wait that long so he recsheduled it for the following Saturday.

Hanging out with friends

We had a BBQ at our house a few weeks ago. It had been awhile since we had our friends together under one roof and the kids are at an age where they are actually 'starting' to play together. What a nice preview of times to come...

Here is a pic of Sydney getting sweet with Boo Boo Dane.

Here is a pic of the kids sitting down for some din-din. Parker(2), Dane(5), Sydney(2), Mady(15 months), and Ben(19 months).

Uncle Bill(32) at the kids table...VERY appropriate. hehe

Visit with 'Cole and Boo Boo Dane

We were very excited to have a visit from Nicole and Dane. We made a trip to none other than Sea World. It was Dane's first time.

The Playroom

Here are some pics of Parker and Sydney's Playroom. It has been a work in progress for awhile now. It is finally complete.