Sunday, April 27, 2008

Parker---Ready Set Go!

Parker started walking while we were on vacation.
He has been taking a few steps here and there for awhile but this week he actually started walking. Watch out world...Parker is on the move!
He is so proud of himself!
I caught some video, but silly me...I had the camera turned the wrong way and didn't realize until I uploaded it that you can't rotate video the way you can rotate a still pic. Sorry!
If you turn you head to the can see it just fine! Ha!

Parker has also continued to learn more and more animal sounds. The problem he only says them when he feels like it so it is difficult to catch on camera.
He can show you his belly button. He can make sounds for a cat, dog. monkey, and bee. He signs for fish and flowers.
He is still obsessed with airplanes. He also likes to make engine noises whenever he hears or sees a car or truck.
He did the cutest thing the other day. We had just returned from vacation and my mom and I were playing with them in their room. Parker turned to me, "bzzzzz....bzzzzz" I looked down and saw that he was holding a love bug in between his little fingers!! He learned about bees and the sound they make on vacation and he made that connection with his new find. Incredible!!!

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