Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Four Tiny Hands

Our friends, the Lieblers bought the babies some turtle stepping stones before they were born.
We waited to do them until we could record the babies first steps.
Can't believe that time has come already.
Anyway..here are some pictures of their stepping stones and a cute poem I found.
I can't take credit for it, but thought I would share it with you.
"Four Tiny Hands"
by Christine Scott
Twenty fingers and twenty toes
Two pair of eyes and a set of cute little noses
Two hearts beating in unison
form this double bouquet of mother's roses.
Two hungry babies
Two piercing screams
Two perfect little answers
To all of our dreams.
Double the bottles
Double the toys
Double the diapers
And double the joys.
Four little legs to follow along
Four little feet to fill Daddy's shoes
Four little hands to hold in our own
Four little eyes to watch our every move.
Two little people to nurture and grow
Two little minds with their own will.
Two heads locked in love and battle
our very own little Jack and Jill.
A set of worried parents
try to fulfill the every demand
Of two little souls
and four tiny hands.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Those are so adorable! You should post them with a link so I can see them bigger... or email them to me. So precious!