Friday, August 22, 2008

Sweet pea..My princess...Parkerman....My monkeyman

They continue to grow into these amazing and funny little people. Not really babies anymore(although I still like to call them that). They have preferences and opinions. They have attitudes and a sense of humor. They are incredibly smart and can even be sneaky. Full of energy, curiousity. Little sponges. Imitators. Comedians. Loads of fun.

Sweet princess...
beautiful blue eyes, great smile, silly, knows what she wants, copy cat, fights sleep, loves books, loves anything Parker has, great eater, great listener, loves the outdoors, loves to show off what she knows

serious face but really funny, best giggle, thumbsucker, extra squishy, enjoys sleep, picky eater, loves books, stubborn, loves to cuddle, loves Elmo, loves the outdoors, loves to see how things work

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