Monday, December 1, 2008

Remington Park Fall Festival

On November 15, we attended our annual neighborhood Fall Festival. It is something we look forward to all year. Lots of fun, food, friends, and family!! This year we were joined by the Lieblers minus one. Thanks for joining us Jen and Ben! Jeremy and Krista also came!

**Here is a pic of Aunt Jen, Parker, and Ben.

**Here is a pic of me and Ben. He will be one on December 5th and is almost as big as Parker and Sydney!! Don't you just love the red hair!!

**Parker and Sydney were actaully big enough to join in the fun this year. They LOVED the bounce house and thankfully the older kids were very helpful with them.
Here is a pic of Sydney in the bounce house.
**Here is a picture of Parker in the bounce house.

**Here is a picture of me and Krista. We have known each other since 8th grade.
We lost touch over the years and recently got back in touch! So glad to be back together.

1 comment:

Jen said...

WOW Tell Krista Hi for me! She still looks the same after all these years. I bet she was shocked to see how life has turned out for you guys, huh. :)

Red hair looks so cute when they are one, lol. CUTIE!